We’re living through an unprecedented time. Organizations are learning to be resilient, resourceful and how to cope with a new reality. Organizational and individual competencies, strengths and weaknesses, are more visible than in normal times.
As you consider what to put on hold and what to move forward with, you should consider that this a great time to hire the team you’ve envisioned. We are finding the talent market to be more accessible and responsive than in previous months and years. Rather than putting your hiring on hold to preserve cash, consider how your talent investment will pay off by giving the advantages of getting the right people on your team to propel you forward as business begins to return to normal.
If you have a hiring need, this is the time to connect with the talent market. Here’s how:
- Show your Company Brand – This is always important. Here is an opportunity to demonstrate strong leadership during a crisis and that’s something future employees won’t forget.
- Approach the Market – If you have the bandwidth and expertise, reach out to potential candidates who fit your business needs and culture. If you don’t, partner with a talent expert who understands how to bring the best candidates for consideration.
- Demonstrate Open Communication – Great candidates are lost during the process as much by what you don’t say or how slow you are saying it, then by anything you do say. Pay attention to what you are communicating and don’t commit the error of leaving your candidate dangling without communicating for long periods of time. If your feedback steps are dragging on for two to three days, you are taking too long!
- Use Video Conferencing – This is becoming the norm. Companies are now managing the entire interview and onboarding processes very well via video conferencing and remote work options.
- Do Not forget the Assessment – Those of you who know me know that I’m a strong proponent for using an effective assessment tool as part of the interview process. Your goal is to select the best individual for your current role, company culture and future growth. There is no better way to do so than using an assessment to validate the candidate’s competencies, strengths, how they behave (or how they will perform on the job) and what motivates them. If you’re learning that resourcefulness and resiliency are in short supply on your team, now’s your chance to focus on hiring for these key competencies!
- Set a Path to Success with Onboarding – This process should always be well thought out and customized to fit the role and individual. Here is your chance to be more creative to attain faster returns! If you need assistance with developing an onboarding process, JESSI Search can help.
The JESSI Search team is here for you, not only to assist you with your hiring needs, we can also help define and execute the right individual steps to use in the hiring process. We’re also happy to serve as a resource for talent questions that you have during this unprecedented time and knowledge sharing as we have conversations with many hiring managers responding to this current state of business. Let JESSI Search partner with your business today to set your business on the right path for your future needs.
“You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.” ~Gordon B. Hinkley